Self-inking Stamps

Self-inking Stamps
Rubber stamp attached to an internal ink pad, all encased in a high impact plastic Trodat® handheld device. Easily press down and the design is inked, stamped, and the pad is re-covered. Ink pad is re-inkable with any water-based rubber stamp pad ink. Available in black, red, blue, purple, or green ink. Dry ink pads are also available to add your own custom colors.
The positioning window enables accurately placed imprints. Mechanical daters and numberers are also available in this variety, making it a quick alternative for day-to-day paperwork dating.
Trodat® device impression area sizes:
4910 measures .375” x 1”
4911 measures .5" x 1.5"
4912 measures .75" x 1.875"
4913 measures .875" x 2.375"
4915 measures 1" x 2.75"
4916 measures .375” x 2.75”
4921 measures .5” x .5”
4922 measures .75” x .75”
4923 measures 1.125” x 1.125”
4924 measures 1.625” x 1.625”
4925 measures 1” x 3.125”
4926 measures 1.5” x 3”
4927 measures 1.5” x 2.375”
Much like our manual stamps, we custom assemble each and will find the best print plate size for you. Any text, logo, signature, or design that can fit on the stamp's print plate can be made custom. We have a range of typefaces and popular layouts to choose from if you are unsure of where to begin.
Learn more about how to send the artwork files of your one-of-a-kind design at the bottom of our FAQ page–or give us a call so we can help you get your order started!